ensure your fence is sufficiently tall to contain an enthusiastic dog (most medium-sized breeds need a six-foot fence)! Search for holes where your little dog could press through or under, and watch that fence boards are sunk well into the ground with the goal that they can't burrow underneath it, and are durable enough to oppose against a hopping puppy.

A few dogs can't avoid pulling up plants and blossoms along these lines, in case you're a sharp plant specialist, you may need to fence off your prize petunias!
Evacuate stepping stools, or anything your dog may want to step onto, and fence off or immovably spread pools, hot tubs and lakes when not being used.
On the off chance that your dog will go through piece of their day or night in the garden, furnish them with a breeze and waterproof safe house. This can likewise bend over as a sun defender on more sweltering days. In the event that the temperature arrives at bizarrely high or low levels, bring your dog inside, regardless of whether they're generally an open air hound.
Abstain from utilizing cocoa contributes the garden as a choice to bark, as these are toxic to hounds.
Your dog verification garden ought to incorporate dog well disposed plants, and maintain a strategic distance from some others to diminish the danger of harming and skin bothering. The more typical plants to keep away from or expel from your garden that could cause bothering or harming are Lily, Azalea, Daffodil, Tomato, Foxglove, Yew and Hydrangea. On the off chance that your dog eats some portion of a noxious plant, go directly to the vet, taking the plant with you if conceivable.
You ought to consistently dishearten your little dog from biting whatever it finds in the garden. Contact your vet in case you're concerned they've eaten anything they shouldn't have.
Never use slug pellets, weed executioner or rodent poison (except if pet-accommodating), as they're amazingly dangerous.
Ensure your dog can't get into the carport, the same number of vehicle items, for example, liquid catalyst can be unsafe to them.
In the event that you have doors in your garden, help everybody about the significance to remember shutting them. You can join self-shutting gadgets however set them to a delicate close so there's no threat of them snapping shut on your dog.